Delicious And Easy chicken salad recipe..!

So today we are going to tell you this creamy, nutritious and healthy 😋chicken salad recipe. This chicken salad is not only tasty but also healthy as the recipe is made in an excellent way using all kinds of vegetables, fruits, chicken and dressing ingredients.

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How do you make chicken salad? The answer is to follow this recipe till the end. This chicken and salad recipe will be ready in a very short time so you should try this recipe once. You have followed this chicken and salad recipe that I sent you here in written form till the end. So I’m going to be with you until your recipe is ready. 😜 So you don’t need to panic.

Chicken salad recipe ingredient tips & tricks.


This recipe calls for using chicken. But this chicken should be excellent and properly roasted or grilled chicken. Without it, this recipe lacks flavor. Since this chicken is well roasted, the skin should be in the well.


It should be used sparingly in this recipe. Even though the recipe looks fresh, it also tastes fresh and helps keep the recipe fresh.


It is necessary to use onions. Because these recipes are not complete without them, the sweet taste of onion is a must in this recipe.


 We can make this recipe by adding fruits like grapes, apples, strawberries etc. This makes this recipe very tasty and nutritious.

Dry Foot

Add dry fruits to the recipe to make the recipe slightly crispy and nutritious like filling.

Vegetables must be used in this recipe because if this recipe is to be more tasty and nutritious than vegetables and Ayurvedic spices should be used in it.

What does a chicken salad contain?

Chicken, celery, vegetables, onion, dressing Ingredients: mayo cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, dill, black pepper, chicken is made using all these things or according to your choice.

Why is my chicken salad so bland?

Reasons for chicken salad to be bland: Use less spices, do not use sour ingredients in it, for example, do not use ingredients such as lemon juice, vinegar etc.

What goes well with chicken salad?

In chicken salad we can make chicken salad using fruit salad, green salad, vegetable, soup, bread historical things or eat it with it, it helps to be more nutritious and tasty.

Is chicken salad actually healthy?

Chicken salad is healthy because it contains minerals, vitamins, iron etc. But some ingredients should also be used sparingly while making this. like mayo cheese etc. should be used sparingly. Because it increases fat and calorie intake, it is not healthy. We can make it nutritious by adding vegetables, fruits etc. to make it more healthy.

Can I lose weight eating chicken breast and salad?

We can lose weight by eating chicken breast and salad. How is this done? I will continue. Chicken breast and salad contain fiber to keep you from feeling hungry. So even if you don’t eat the same food, it helps you lose weight. And since it contains lean protein, it helps in weight loss. And since it is low in heat, it helps in losing weight.

Chicken salad recipe ingredient: 

  • 1 lb cooked chicken breast (4 cups diced)
  • 2 cups seedless Red Grapes, halved
  • 1 cup (2-3 sticks) Celery, cut in half lengthwise then sliced
  • 1/2 cup Red Onion, finely chopped (1/2 of a small red onion)
  • 1 cup Pecans, toasted and coarsely chopped

Dressing Ingredient: 

  • 1/2 cup mayo 
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt)
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp. dill, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper 

How to make chicken salad? Please prepare this recipe in this manner.

First step

So let’s start making the recipe. In the first step, take a pan and place it on the gas to heat it. After heating, add 1 cup Pecans, toasted and coarsely chopped. After adding, heat it properly and after heating turn off the gas and take it down. Even after taking it down, cut it properly with the help of a knife. Keep it aside after cutting.

Take 1 lb. cooked chicken breast (4 cups diced) and cut it properly with a knife and after cutting it should be removed in a bowl. Then add 1 cup (2-3 sticks) celery, cut in half lengthwise then sliced. After cutting, add this to the bowl in which the chicken pieces are kept. After adding 2 cups of seedless red grapes, halved, cut them properly.

After cutting, keep it in a separate bowl. After keeping 1/2 cup of red onion, finely chopped (1/2 of a small red onion), cut it properly in the bowl in which we have kept the chicken pieces. Add this to that bowl. After adding, whatever you have cut into it are the grapes. Add it to the bowl containing the chicken. After adding, keep this bowl aside.

Second step

In the second step, take 1 medium sized bowl and in that bowl add 1/2 cup mayo, 1/2 cup sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt), 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 Tbsp. dill, finely chopped, 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste. 1/2 tsp black pepper should be added properly after adding all these should be mixed properly with a spoon. So it needs to be mixed properly.

Third step

In the third step, we have cut vegetables and chicken in that bowl. Take that bowl and mix all the ingredients in that bowl in the second step to make a paste. After adding the paste, mix it properly. It is necessary to mix it properly. 

Because if you want your recipe to taste uniform and this paste to spread evenly, it needs to be mixed properly. So keep on mixing until it is mixed evenly. Stop mixing when the batter is evenly mixed. After mixing it properly, take a small amount on a plate and try this recipe with your favorite ingredients. How do I make chicken salad? You prepare this recipe in this way.


Can you freeze chicken salad?

But we can freeze chicken salad. After preparing the chicken salad, it should be kept at room temperature for some time. After storage, it can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 months after storing in an airtight container. But it should be consumed before 1 month to enjoy its best taste.

Is chicken salad healthy?

Chicken salad is good. But how and to what extent we use materials while making them. Based on this. Because adding mayonnaise and butter adds to its calorie and fat content. Because of this, our body will not be healthy. But if these things are used in less quantity and more vegetables are used in it, then this recipe is very healthy for you.

How long is chicken salad good for?

Homemade chicken salad keeps well in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. And its taste is well maintained. It just has to be done with some care while making it. Do not leave it out at high temperature for too long, cool it to room temperature after making it. After cooling, keep it airtight in the fridge. This lasts for 3 to 4 days.

Should the chicken in chicken salad be hot or cold?

Probably the one in the chicken salad. It is usually served cold. Because of this we have prepared this recipe with whatever ingredients we have used in it. Their flavors and properties help to blend in this recipe. So it is a given to eat cold. What is left over is then heated and eaten.

What to serve with chicken salad?

soup, green salad, potato salad, veggie chips, bread, vegetables, we can eat or give this recipe along with the recipe or with the dish, which helps to meet more nutrients below.